The process of tuning a car is worth the effort due to evident benefits, such as improved power, more powerful ride or even energy efficiency if you like. It is highly recommended to tune in the event that you have installed any aftermarket modification.
Tuning isn’t risky when it is done by a trusted tuning service and will not result in additional wear on the engine (given that you don’t exceed the limits).
I’ve personally tuned my vehicles numerous times, especially after making major modifications like turbos and headers.
This article I’m going to go over car tuning more in depth. It is important to decide if you want to tune or not, and what tuning technique you should opt for.
Upcoming content:
Why is tuning worth the investment
Different types of tuning Costs, risks, effort and power
Does tuning shorten engine life?
Does tuning void warranty?
Do you need to tune your car?
Why Tuning is worth the Cost (The Benefits)
Tuning is worth it since it provides you with extra power, a more customized ride and make sure that your aftermarket modifications are operating exactly as you expect.
Tuning is basically adjusting the settings of the computer in your car. Based on the goal you’re trying to achieve there are a variety of things that you can alter – things such as the map of torque for your engine and air/fuel ratio, as well as top speed and air/fuel ratio are all customizable.
Here are five benefits to tuning your car’s performance:
Performance improvements. The stock ECU comes with moderate software settings (for emissions and fuel efficiency). Tuning can gain more power and speed by eliminating the top velocity, rev limiters, and ignition timing.
unlocks the all the potential of mods available on aftermarket. Mods such as headers and catback exhausts can boost the volume of air that gets into the engine, resulting in increased power. But, if you don’t tune these modifications might not function properly, or even lower the power. Tuning is required to ensure that the ratio between fuel and air is in the right proportions.
Aggressive ride. You can adjust the map of torque to provide you with more power based on the riding conditions. For instance there is more torque produced at lower RPM (great for cornering) or steady torque output through all of the higher RPM (great for drag races).
Improve fuel efficiency. If you’re keen to conserve fuel, then tuning your car can help you achieve this. In making your vehicle run a little more efficient and reducing fuel consumption, you can save money over the long term. Discuss your needs with the tuner , and you’ll likely attain it.
Get rid of the CEL or check engine warning (CEL). Some modifications that are performance-oriented, such as a catless downpipe are sure to cause the CEL. If you tune it with a custom-made tuning you can get it off.
Different types of tuning cost, risk, and power
ECU Chip
ECU Chipping is an plug-and-play solution that allows the chip to take in data from the actual vehicle’s ECU and alter it to produce an output you want (more power or less consumption).
ECU chips are easy to set up and can be the most affordable alternative – they are priced at around 200 dollars (depending on the model) and all you need to do is connect it to the car’s OBD2 ports for just a couple of minutes.
There is no guarantee of power out of any ECU chip (it might not provide any power even). Personally, I would not opt on ECU chipping. The previous ECU chip I had installed several years ago didn’t give me anything.
ECU chipping shouldn’t cause any damage to the engine since the changes are made and evaluated by the company that sells the chip.
Flash Tune
Flash tuning refers to the procedure where you modify the settings in your ECU in order to alter the way your car performs.
A preset that is flash tuned refers to using an already installed ECU configuration to the exact car model and output you want to. This is what I’m talking about in this segment.
As an example, say you own the Nissan 350z model from 2008 and want an aggressive car with more horsepower. The tuner may download a pre-set from another 350z owner and flash this configuration onto your car.
The process of flash tuning a preset is easy, affordable and should be able to work since it was flashed on numerous other vehicles before you.
The flash tune can pose a risk of causing engine damage in the event that you install an incorrect setting. However, it is reverseable if the tuner taken a backup of the default configuration.
Custom Dyno Tune
Custom dyno tuning occurs when a tuner develops an ECU-specific configuration specifically for your vehicle and its needs. It is a custom setup to you and your vehicle that is why it will perform best and is also one of the highest priced.
Custom dyno tuning generally takes a few days since the tuner must check the tuning configuration using a dyno, and then recalibrate to ensure that the intended output has been attained.
Custom dyno tuning is the most dangerous (especially when the tuner you use isn’t reputable). It’s a complex process that requires a lot of understanding of ECU. Only perform custom dyno tuning in the case of a trusted tuner and have the capital.
Does Tuning Shorten Engine Life?
ECU tuning won’t harm the engine of your car and will do not reduce the life of your engine in the event that it is done correctly. A successful tuning process could aid to improve the efficiency of fuel of the vehicle.
However, more maintenance could be needed. Furthermore, overt tuning such as taking out the rev limiter and running too rich could impact the life span of the engine.
The more horsepower you get from ECU tuning results in more stress for all units in the aggregate, as well as an increase in wear and tear on the moving components.
But, this doesn’t necessarily mean that tuning can reduce the life of your engine. If done correctly the tuning process will not affect the engine, other than increasing the overall performance.
Does Tuning Void Warranty?
When car tuning is done by a licensed tuner or factory tuneer The warranty for the car is secure, and you will not be unable to claim the warranty on your vehicle.
If you’re thinking of tuning your engine to increase power and make modifications to your vehicle then your warranty for your car will likely be cancelled.
It’s not simple to restore your car to factory settings prior to claiming warranty. The majority of cars’ ECU will detect any tampering and will record the change.
According to the Law concerning road traffic safety, a change is only permitted only for personal use. It is only permitted when the change will improve the safety of the vehicle, its invention and technological technology.
It is the practice of carrying out specific actions that require a vehicle not made specifically for. In this scenario you could think about the possibility of tuning race automobiles.
Motor trailers and automobiles as well as their respective components, equipment and assemblies, manufactured in a series or individually, or repaired, must be in line to the standard requirements of homologation standards.
This implies that the car must pass the testing as well as inspections of safety and environmental elements.
Do You Need To Tune Your Car?
If the warranty is up and you’re committed to performance, then tuning is highly advised.
It is impossible to avoid tuning while searching for the best performance. The installation of major modifications like headers, exhausts, and turbo will definitely require tuning. This means that sooner or later, you’ll be tuning your car.
I would recommend that you tune your car after you’ve made these major modifications. Don’t invest in tuning your car for each small modification, such as cold air intake or filter (you will not notice any change).
Tuning a car that is completely stock is an alternative (if you’d rather). It is possible to go with items like:
Remove rev limiter
Reduce top speed
Adjust engine torque map
Increase the throttle response
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